Friday, March 13, 2009

Peace of Mind!

I now have peace of mind that Rosco will be going to a good place. The lady at the vet said she can't take him right now so what they do is if someone really needs to get rid of an animal, the vet takes them in and spoils them rotten. They put them in a cage with an area where they can run and play, feed them, and a man takes them on walks. There is only one other dog that's there so he will be getting lots of attention. The lady said that if Rosco starts to get cage crazy then they will find a good home for him. Which also makes me think this is a good idea is because she said that if another dog needs blood, Rosco will be a blood donor so he will also be saving other animals too! :-) I pet him this morning because I figured it would be the last time I saw him so I said my goodbyes. Feeling a little sad because this isn't the first time an animal was taken away but I know it's for the best and I know Bandit will be much happier that he has his master back all to himself. Maybe we will give him a bath tonight and let him stay in for a little while. Have a good weekend everyone!

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