Friday, February 20, 2009

What would my life be like if there was no craziness!?!?!

It seems like my life is a little crazy right now! But I wouldn't change it for anything. I have been working 50+ hours a week, help taking care of Kylan since he has an upper respiratory infection, me getting a little cold (or it may just be allergies since the weather is getting cold and hot), dodging all the sick people at work, trying to figure out what I want to put in my little garden Scott and I are doing, Rosco got neutered and his dew claws out (since they were like razors), and just everyday obstacles. I am just thankful that I have a loving family and a job to come to everyday! :-) I've been missing my "lil man" since I have been working so much so I spent last weekend as much as I could with him. It was Valentine's Day last Saturday so Jane watched him so we could go out on our little Valentine's Date and spend some of the day together. We decided to go to Waxahachie so I could find something to wear that evening and to Lowes because Scott had to get something there. I am so proud of my dress I got at J.C. Penney. They were having a really good sale so I found this floor length halter dress that was originally $80 and I got it on sale for $39.99. It's something cute to just wear out and when we go on vacation to the beach in June. It's also my "taco shell" dress! LOL Scott and I made a bet at the store on what kind of taco shells we had in the pantry and of course, I was right! So I got an outfit out of it. Maybe I should bet him a little more!!!! ;-) Anyway, we went to a place called Silverfox. It's off of Oak Lawn and it was OK! The atmosphere was very relaxed (except for the couple that brought their fussy infant in). We got the Valentine's Dinner where we each got a choice of seafood bisque or a salad. I got the bisque, which was very good and could have been a meal in itself, and Scott got the salad. Then we each got a 6 oz. filet and we had to share a lobster tail (which was very yummy, wish we had one for myself) and a desert. We wanted to go someplace different instead of our usual steak place, which is Chamberlain's Steak and Chop House, so I just think we are spoiled by that. If you ever want to go get a awesome steak, go to Chamberlain's. They also have a Chamberlain's Fish Market where they serve mostly fish and they are awesome too!! I was a pretty good evening and we needed our little date night. We hadn't had one in a while!

Anyway, this weekend looks like it's going to be pretty un-eventful since I am going to work some this weekend. Right now, it's pretty much the same routine. Although, I am pretty excited about going to my two little nieces b-day party next weekend in Rockwall. One's birthday is on the 28th and the other one's birthday is on March 4th so it's just easier to combine. Don't get to see much of my sister, brother-in-law, nephew, and nieces.

I will post pics of Kylan as soon as I can get them loaded. Wednesday, I took off to take him to the doctor since Scott had a list of things to do so it was a day with my "little man". As we all know, it was a gorgeus day out so I put him in some shorts. Remember, last time he wore shorts, he wasn't even walking and he had the chubbiest little legs. I looked at him when he was walking around the doctors office and he looked like a little boy! His legs looked so long and skinney (compared to what they used to be.) It's so bitter-sweet because I am not ready for him to grow up but he's so fun at this age too. He's talking up a storm since he had his tubes put in. Now that he's talking, we have to work on the manners!! LOL I was sitting in the floor playing with him before he went to bed and he was trying to get around me so he said "MOVE"! I was thinking "What, did he just tell me to move?" He's saying, I get it, bairpane (airplane), gook (book), night night (that his blankie), luba you, and many more things!!

Anyway, hope everyone has a safe and good weekend!


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