Yesterday and today I am just feeling a little blah!!! I hope I'm not coming down with a sinus infection or something. I just feel
sooooo lazy, tired, and quiet!! I have a headache behind my eyes so it probably is my sinuses!!
UGHHHHHH Better start taking some
On the other hand, the weekend was great!! Well, Friday night,
Kylan spent the night with
Granna and Pappy and Scott went out with Robert so I had the house all quiet to myself!!! It was so nice! I played around on the computer trying to figure out how to decorate this blog but didn't get very far. I made a thing with pictures that would be a great header for this but I just can't figure out how to make it fit the page. It comes out small like this.....

or even smaller!! Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, I am just sooooo ready to pay someone to decorate it for me but it's so expensive!
On Saturday we went to a carnival, wasn't really a carnival because there was no rides, with Granna and Tay-Tay (as Kylan calls her) because Taylor had to help work a booth with her softball team. It was fun and HOT!! Here are a few pics....
On the way there...
Riding on Daddy's shoulders....
Looking at the Pony....
Feeding the animals....
Not to crazy about them crowding around Kylan....
Let's just say I picked them up after that! LOL
Granna paid for Taylor to get arrested....
But she had to some how get $5 to get out so
Kylan gave her $5

We had fun sliding....

After went down the slide a couple of times....

Daddy got some playtime in too....

The home made sock monkey I bought him....
This has nothing to do with that day but I just had to put this up. He was sleeping like this so I couldn't help but take a picture of it!!
I guess he didn't want his head to get cold! He's the funniest little thing and he always has Scott and I rolling on the floor laughing.
Happy Hump Day!!